Posts tagged Middle School
Revitalizing Service Learning at Lincoln Community School: A Collaborative Story Unfolds

More than a curriculum enhancement—this is a shift in mindset

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60 Seconds to Change the World: Empowering Student Voices at Dulwich College (Singapore) 

A groundbreaking collaboration is putting Year 9 students in the director’s seat through a novel educational design challenge created by Inspire Citizens and Dulwich College (Singapore). 

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Building a Culture of Service

The transformation towards a service learning curriculum at the SFS British School began with the establishment of six core values: courage, communication, collaboration, responsibility, respect, and reflection. These values form the bedrock of the school's culture and curriculum.

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All Aboard: How A Unified Approach Plays a Key Role in Dramatically Improving A Language Learning Program

Jenny recalls that the parent response to the shift in Chinese language instruction was a little uncertain at first. In a context that has long respected parent expectations for a rigorous curriculum, the updates were viewed a little skeptically. “Now, I almost never receive any questions,” explains Jenny. “Parents see their kids differently - they observe their children not only learning language skills but also thinking about their responsibilities in the world.”

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How a Passionate Educator has been Inspired by the Global Citizenship Certificate

Educator Dom Verwey is a committed proponent of the positive outcomes that emerge from deep professional learning opportunities like the Inspire Citizens’ Global Citizenship Certificate. The leadership competencies acquired through this type of professional learning can shift one’s self-image “from expert to along-sider,” he says.

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Transformative Curriculum Design in 8th grade ELA leads to active global citizenship

Two passionate educators from Frankfurt International School (FIS), Mariko Jungnitsch and Mette Sarstedt, have been on a collaborative journey to reshape their 8th-grade English Language Acquisition (ELA) curriculum. Their inspiration has been sparked by the Global Citizenship Certificate (GCC) course with Inspire Citizens.

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Deep Partnerships with Local Communities: a Grade 7 Example

At the end of March, grade 7 students at the Colegio Jorge Washington School (COJOWA) in Cartagena, Colombia, embarked on a powerful learning investigation. Their goal was to learn more about SDG #5 (gender equality) in the local context; in their social studies and Spanish classes, they began reflecting, questioning and thinking about the local community. What followed was a rich learning journey involving journalism and sustainable solutions to needs related to clothing and textiles.

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Visual Art meets Engaged Global Citizenship

When visual art teacher Zoe Coughlan learned about Empathy to Impact, she found herself on a journey of transformation. She now designs her courses so that the first unit in each grade level focuses on skills, and then the second unit offers a way to apply those skills in relation to global issues and global citizenship topics.

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Teaching and Learning: Service in Action

The American Embassy School of New Delhi (AES) in India had a goal: they wanted to embed a meaningful service learning experience in every grade level of the school from pre-kindergarten to grade 12.

They knew they needed help to make this happen and leaders reached out to Inspire Citizens. What has transpired? An incredible partnership, a lot of enthusiastic teachers and quite a bit of professional learning magic.

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Empowering Student Advocacy

When middle school teacher Liz Zadoo first talked to Inspire Citizens founder Aaron Moniz about how to embed advocacy into one of her grade 8 social studies units, she got so excited that she went home and spent her evening revising and upgrading her unit plan.

“I thought redesigning the unit would be a lot of work and there would be a lot of planning. When Aaron explained what advocacy could look like in the unit, I was so excited; I was able to use my existing unit plan but tweak it in meaningful ways,” says Liz.

The Inspire Citizens team is working with AES-Delhi to develop a whole-school approach to embedding service learning into curricular experiences, and this eighth grade example is one of several success stories..

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