Inspire Schools

Build Whole School Systems For Global Citizenship

Designing, building, and sustaining an impactful approach to global citizenship is no easy task. But the effort is absolutely worth it. To support your school in this adaptive process, we will work with you to support your efforts as you go the distance in this pursuit. Whether you are looking at upcoming accreditation requirements or are pursuing a pathway toward a robust approach to global citizenship as part of achieving your mission, vision, and strategic objectives.


Global Citizenship Self Discovery Tool

The Self-Discovery tool helps to provide schools with the space and prompts to accurately assess their school’s current position along a continuum articulated to reflect the various stages of the journey.

By prompting reflection and identification of your school’s current position in the journey, it sets the stage for where you currently stand and sets you in a place to propel forward on the journey to meet your goals.

Complete your own self-discovery!


Inspired Schools in action:

Whole School Models for Service, Sustainability, and Global Citizenship

Embedding service learning: One School's Journey

When leaders at the Colegio Jorge Washington (COJOWA) in Cartagena, Colombia were developing a new strategic plan four years ago, they found themselves asking “what’s next?”… (cont.)

Inspiring Global Citizenship: A Journey towards Whole-School Service Learning

In January 2022, Sara Gregson took on the role of Service Learning Coordinator at the International School of Kigali (ISK) in Rwanda, excited to transform the school's approach to service learning. Working with Inspire Citizens.. (cont.)

5 Ways to Drive Your Global Citizenship Journey: Advice from a Deputy Head of School

Seoul Foreign School (SFS), under the leadership of Deputy Head of School Jan-Mark Sewald, has embarked on a multi-year transformative journey to integrate global citizenship principles, thanks to a strategic partnership with Inspire Citizens… (cont.)

AISD’s Advisory Transformation: Connecting Through Service Learning

Aaron Moniz played a pivotal role in reorienting the school’s approach. Introduced to the AISD team by Diane Candella and Cyndi Tilley, their service coordinators, Aaron shared Inspire Citizens’ “service cycle,” which starts with understanding the ‘why’ before taking action. This shift encouraged teachers and students to investigate the purpose and goals of their projects rather than defaulting to monetary solutions. (cont.)