Posts tagged Wellbeing
Fostering Regenerative Thinking and Transformative Action: Exploring the Collaboration Between NESA and Inspire Citizens

A dynamic partnership converts theory into action at the hub of the regenerative schools movement

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Spotlight on Scott Jamieson: Empowering Global Citizenship in Education

The sheer energy of Scott’s classroom presence took on a new form as he moved forward into the emerging world of Inspire Citizens five years ago. Anyone who has experienced his brand of spirited banter, humor and drive for excellence can attest to the fact that Scott is at the top of his professional game in-person or virtually. 

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Multiplying the Care Factor in the PYP

As anyone involved in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program knows, there’s a compass built in to every activity that eventually leads to a meaningful destination: The PYP Exhibition. It’s the ultimate culminating event and a public demonstration of each student’s commitment to the PYP learner profile attributes. Progressive school educational teams lean into the PYPx as their chance to promote the best outcomes among learners who are capable of showing great empathy as they learn to engage with the world around them.

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Bridging Generations: PreK students learn from community elders

Pre-Kindergarten students at Colegio Jorge Washington School (COJOWA) in Cartagena, Colombia, recently embarked on a heartwarming journey with elders in their families and community. A six-week learning unit called “How to Make the Elderly Smile” was an exploration of empathy, history, and service, culminating in a Christmas program that captured and created joy.

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Empathy to Impact: A Journey into Upcycling and Sustainable Education

In the heart of New Delhi, India, at the American Embassy School (AES), Grade 6 teacher Rachel Pregont finished the last school year with a transformative journey with her students, diving deep into the principles of upcycling and the benefits of a circular economy. This exemplary unit, rooted in the Inspire Citizens' Empathy to Impact cycle, showcased the stages of care, aware, able, and impact, and illustrates the power of learning experiences to drive meaningful change.

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Cultivating Wellness and Authentic Connection: A Teacher's Journey with "Inside Out"

Britta McCarthy, the Director of Learning at the American International School of Jeddah, recently had a transformative experience at the NESA (Near East South Asia Council of Overseas Schools) fall leadership conference. Britta immersed herself in a two-day Inside Out workshop, led by Ivy Yan, a facilitator with Inspire Citizens. The workshop centered on the intersections of wellness, nature, and cultivating meaningful learning experiences for both educators and students.

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Preschool Students Learn about and Advocate for Water Conservation

Young learners at COJOWA (Colegio Jorge Washington in Cartagena, Colombia), are embarking on a journey to raise awareness about water conservation, and their enthusiasm is nothing short of inspiring. Partnering with Inspire Citizens, the school's preschool initiative, known as the Maternal Water Project, is making waves in early childhood education.

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Transforming Education through the Global Citizenship Certificate Program: A Journey of Hope

The one-year GCC program is designed to equip educators with the knowledge, tools, and mindsets needed to encourage thoughtful, innovative, and engaged global citizens in our classrooms. Modules begin by asking educators to pause and reflect, thinking about how “the way out is in” when it comes to holistic global citizenship. In this article, read about one teacher’s journey with the GCC.

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A New Perception of the World through Eco-Photography

When Shari Wejsa, a high school teacher in northwest New Jersey, heard about the Inspire Citizens’ Eco-Photography summer course, she signed up right away. A history teacher with a creative bent and interest in interdisciplinarity, she was excited to channel some of her summer into learning about connecting with nature in ways she could share with her students.

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Teaching and Learning: Service in Action

The American Embassy School of New Delhi (AES) in India had a goal: they wanted to embed a meaningful service learning experience in every grade level of the school from pre-kindergarten to grade 12.

They knew they needed help to make this happen and leaders reached out to Inspire Citizens. What has transpired? An incredible partnership, a lot of enthusiastic teachers and quite a bit of professional learning magic.

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