A PYP Empathy to Impact Model

If you could walk through the doors of the Primary School at the Inter-Community School Zurich (ICSZ), you would find yourself in an atmosphere of creativity, inquiry and innovation. This is a place where leaders and educators care deeply about students and cultivating a sense of wonder of the world.

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A New Perception of the World through Eco-Photography

When Shari Wejsa, a high school teacher in northwest New Jersey, heard about the Inspire Citizens’ Eco-Photography summer course, she signed up right away. A history teacher with a creative bent and interest in interdisciplinarity, she was excited to channel some of her summer into learning about connecting with nature in ways she could share with her students.

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Teaching and Learning: Service in Action

The American Embassy School of New Delhi (AES) in India had a goal: they wanted to embed a meaningful service learning experience in every grade level of the school from pre-kindergarten to grade 12.

They knew they needed help to make this happen and leaders reached out to Inspire Citizens. What has transpired? An incredible partnership, a lot of enthusiastic teachers and quite a bit of professional learning magic.

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Inspire Citizens and the Digital Citizenship Institute: a Partnership for Impact

Inspire Citizens has teamed up with the Digital Citizenship Institute (DCI) to promote and share what’s going on with this summer’s Eco Photography camps for teachers and families. Marialice Curran, DCI founder and executive director, says the course is perfectly aligned with DCI’s pillars for digital citizenship.

“I love that the Inspire Citizens Eco-media courses specifically speak to the pillars of what we do at DCI, and also about being balanced and knowing how to prioritize your time on and offline,” says Marialice.

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Exploring inner & outer journeys to sustainability

This past year, middle school teacher Julia Fliss expanded her focus to include the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), five categories of 23 skills and qualities of human inner development and growth. The IDGs were created as a response to the SDGs, as leaders from a variety of different sectors realized that how we think and feel impacts our ability to work towards targets for the SDGs. The IDGs encompass five broad categories of “being, thinking, relating, collaborating and acting”. Read more about how her students in Colorado are engaging with global citizenship from both inner and outer perspectives.

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Art for Impact: Rethinking the PYP Exhibition

Grade 5 students at the Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) have a special opportunity to get creative with their International Baccalaureate PYP exhibition. Art has taken center stage and has become a frame for expressing a synthesis of student learning.

Intrigued? This novel approach to the PYP exhibition is worthy of your attention.

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Cross-curricular Collaboration for Deep Learning

Colleagues Angelia Crouch and Pim Arora at the Western Academy of Beijing were playing golf one day when a casual conversation sparked the genesis of a multi-layered, interdisciplinary learning experience.

“This story starts with the grade 9/10 design team,” explains Pim. “The design team is close-knit and we were evaluating our units. There’s a design unit that focuses on clocks, where students design and create clocks. At the end of that unit, I found myself disposing of 100 clocks that students didn’t want to take home. This became a great opportunity to to rethink the unit, the more responsible use of our resources, and how me might design a learning experience around a concept that is relevant to the lives of all of us.”

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Taking it Outside: Learning in the Garden

Kerry Craig is the Outdoor Learning teacher at the International School of Prague (ISP) and she is thrilled to see how this new program is growing roots and gaining momentum.

“We’re looking at the Sustainable Development Goals throughout the school and we’re about to start the PYP (Primary Years Program) and MYP (Middle Years Program),” says Kerry. “It’s new at our school to use a sustainability lens at these levels and we want to do this intentionally, to create embedded and integrated learning experiences throughout the program. I can see how our Outdoor Learning program is going to play a key role.”

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Eco-Photography for Teachers: A Fun & Meaningful PL Summer Experience

This July, Inspire Citizens is offering an Eco Photography camp for teachers, a month of fun and meaningful professional learning that will get you outside, viewing the world through a creative lens, and that will also equip you with skills to introduce your students to Eco Photography.

Ivy Yan, an Inspire Citizens and Two Birds facilitator, and Steve Sostak (co-founder of Inspire Citizens) have teamed up to create a dynamic and engaging experience for educators.

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Designing with Sustainability in Mind

What student wouldn’t love working in a design lab to create new products, designs and prototypes? Especially a design lab complete with multiple 3D printers and machines for working with wood, textiles, jewelry and any other product you could imagine?

Students at Seoul Foreign School in South Korea have access to state-of-the-art design labs and maker spaces, and high school teacher Neil Henderson has been working with Inspire Citizens’s Aaron Moniz to create innovative learning experiences this year.

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Taking “Be the Change” Online

Just as a grade 2 unit called “Be the Change” was getting underway this year, Shanghai went into a serious lockdown for Covid-19 and schools went back online. Teacher Silvina Rubiano was determined this would not derail her students’ access to a robust Empathy to Impact experience, so she pivoted to focus on advocacy and digital storytelling. The result: deep student engagement and a campaign to spread peace to all international teachers in Shanghai.

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Digital Storytelling for Impact

Two grade seven teachers at the International School of Bangkok used the power of collaboration to redesign a seventh grade unit about migration, and they couldn’t be happier with the results.

The teachers, Matt Piercy and Sabina Vogt, are experienced international educators and exemplary collaborators. They love working together and have had a lot of success combining their strengths and experiences to craft learning experiences for their students. When they partnered with Aaron and Scott from Inspire Citizens, that spirit of collaboration grew in exponential ways and the outcomes have exceeded expectations.

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Empowering Student Advocacy

When middle school teacher Liz Zadoo first talked to Inspire Citizens founder Aaron Moniz about how to embed advocacy into one of her grade 8 social studies units, she got so excited that she went home and spent her evening revising and upgrading her unit plan.

“I thought redesigning the unit would be a lot of work and there would be a lot of planning. When Aaron explained what advocacy could look like in the unit, I was so excited; I was able to use my existing unit plan but tweak it in meaningful ways,” says Liz.

The Inspire Citizens team is working with AES-Delhi to develop a whole-school approach to embedding service learning into curricular experiences, and this eighth grade example is one of several success stories..

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Empathy to Impact Design Sprint: Shekou PYP

In concert with the vision and components of the Empathy to Impact system, SIS and IC launched into meaningful explorations of global competence, creativity and imagination, systems and futures thinking, and purposeful action all interconnected to interdisciplinary concepts, knowledge, skills, processes, and strategies. The aim was to bring out purposeful and action-based applied learning — a greater demonstration of the approaches to learning in the PYP and the SIS mission of being principled, caring, and innovative global citizens in a VUCA world.

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Steven Sostak
Launching Personal Projects with Inspire Citizens: Why, What, How?

We see great evidence of transformative learning and engagement through developing a greater sense of vocation. We aim to be more explicit in highlighting the dynamic interdependence of the internal hopes, needs, and passions of the learner with local and/or global community needs and partners. When connected to enhanced actions, students exemplify empowered global citizens in a personal project space that calls for future-focused learning and change.

We believe personal projects, embedded into part of a school or learning community should be able to answer the following question: How might our personal projects and our entire learning community be connected to bigger stories — about the world, our place in it, and how we aim to shape a better future?

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Steven Sostak