Empathy to Impact Design Sprint: Shekou PYP

What’s Going on in these Pictures?


Grade 3-5 teachers from Shekou International School’s (SIS) PYP spent a half-day each using the Empathy to Impact design sprint to enhance or reimagine new unit design for greater purpose, action, and transformative learning goals.


In concert with the vision and components of the Empathy to Impact system, SIS and IC launched into meaningful explorations of global competence, creativity and imagination, systems and futures thinking, and purposeful action all interconnected to interdisciplinary concepts, knowledge, skills, processes, and strategies. The aim was to bring out purposeful and action-based applied learning — a greater demonstration of the approaches to learning in the PYP and the SIS mission of being principled, caring, and innovative global citizens in a VUCA world.


You can learn more here about the system and parts of the Empathy to Impact Design Sprint for Future-Focused, Transformative Teaching and Learning. Below, Steve and SIS colleagues worked with a new IC “tree visualization” seen below that interconnects elements of PYP with Empathy to Impact in a way that represents the life inherent in learning experiences and the growth of active, engaged and curious learners that are connected to their inner selves and the world around them.

Steven Sostak