This pathway builds upon the foundation of applied civics and intercultural competence as schools leverage the strengths of their internal and local community through apprenticeships, collaborative action, diverse relationship building, authentic mentorship, perspective taking, and greater compassionate empathy.
Schools are encouraged to create a database of community members or local partnership opportunities available within a radius of the campus to ensure deeper, sustainable partnerships over time. In this manner, schools and students ensure that trust is developed and that the personalized Global Impact School mission, vision, common vocabulary, and common approaches are internalized by partners, coming to authentic life in extra-curricular learning experiences and curricular integration.
Global outreach partnerships are strengthened by the school’s commitment to global competence education, the integration of tools such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, purposeful global collaboration through technology integration, and/or incorporating an Inspire Citizens: Activist in Residence schoolwide program model.
By effectively collaborating with internal and external community partners, students are given relevant, real-world learning opportunities to make impact for collective well-being and sustainable development in the exciting but challenging world they face.