1 Review our past visioning goals and celebrate first steps
- Are they still relevant and appropriate?
2 Self-Assess global competence, revisit the HS work, and identify strengths, patterns, and clear areas of need/opportunity
- What are we doing well, where do we want to be, what are some next steps identified internally?
3 Agree upon an indicator system(s) to pilot & implement in collecting data on progress for this endeavor:
- What external resources might we use to help BCIS / IC measure development?
- Do we only want to measure student learning or also want to measure other elements such as: Leadership, professional learning, operations, partnerships, parent education, internal and global capacity building?
4 Clearly define what “education for the good of all and sustainable development of the world” actually means to the entire BCIS community:
- One pager: What do we do, how do we do it, what do we call it?
5 Identify roles, responsibilities, & 2019-20 semester one timeline
- Five Ws