Grade 4 Theater: The Future is Ours

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“What would the future look like if we actually learned from this moment right now?”

Lead by Michael Lucchesi SFS’ PYP Coordinator and Aaron Moniz of Inspire Citizens, Grade 4 students learned about how art can be a form of action to inspire their audiences toward a brighter and more harmonious future. Drama Program Coordinator, Edie Moon designed a fantastic learning experience for students in which they attended a series of workshops as part of a drama festival and devised their own short plays about the type of future that we hope to see.



By embedding futures literacy and strategic foresight into activities that aim to develop creative thinking and imagination, students are provided a pathway to deeper understanding of how they can create visions of and, in turn, shape the futures they want.



Edie Moon devised the concept for a drama festival with workshops on everything from make-up to movement to lighting as well as guest performances, provocations, script-writing mentoring, and much more, all under the powerful theme: The Future In Our Hands.

Students were not expected to solve the world’s problems, but were invited to find the power within themselves to act for change and inspire and ignite the flame in others through their performances. Students devised the scripts and narration, students planned the production including visuals, and sound effects, students applied their workshops to their performances, students prepared for their final performances, and they did so all in one week!

The final performances were shared with certain members of the SFS community, and were recorded to be shared virtually with audiences at home.

Steven Sostak