PYP Exhibition: Grade Five Art for Impact

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For the past two years, grade five teachers and learners at Western Academy of Beijing have partnered with Inspire Citizens on combining the deep learning inherent in the PYP exhibition with transdisciplinary themes of personalized artistic expression and systemic issues related to sustainable development, well-being, and equity.

Students continued to apply approaches to learning and monitor transformative skills and dispositions through lenses of thinking and designing like a researcher, artist, curator, educator, and advocate in creating immersive artistic spaces for audiences to engage and explore complex issues.


By engaging with this deep learning experience, students develop a rich sense of global competence: A combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values successfully applied to global issues or intercultural situations. Global issues refer to those that affect all people, and have deep implications for current and future generations. Intercultural situations refer to face-to-face, virtual or mediated encounters with people who are perceived to be from a different cultural background. Developing global competence is a life-long process, but it is one that learning experiences like the PYPx can shape.

Global competence can help young people:

  • Develop cultural awareness and respectful interactions in increasingly diverse societies

  • Recognize and challenge cultural biases and stereotypes, and facilitate harmonious living in multicultural communities

  • Prepare for the world of work, which increasingly demands individuals who are effective communicators, are open to people from different cultural backgrounds, can build trust in diverse teams and can demonstrate respect for others, especially as technology continues to make it easier to connect on a global scale

  • Capitalize on inherently interconnected digital spaces, question biased media representations, and express their voice responsibly online

  • Care about global issues and engage in tackling social, political, economic and environmental challenges.

Global competence thus supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both by providing the vision of education the SDGs advocate for, and by encouraging young people to act in the general interest of collective-wellbeing. OECD


Steven Sostak