Strategic Partner Organizations
& Partial Global Impact Schools:
Concordia International School, Shanghai
Jakarta Intercultural School, Indonesia
ESEE, Beijing
Teaspoons of Change, Australia
Worlds of Making, USA
Shekou International School, China
AFS Global Conference, Montreal
Out of the Blocks Podcast, USA
iReadToLive Initiative, Nigeria
Belouga, USA
American School of Kosova, Kosovo
Parlay Ideas, Toronto
Jump! Foundation, Thailand
Global Citizenship Foundation, New Delhi
The Inspire Project US, USA
Wildbound, Beijing
Live With Less, Beijing
MICDS, St Louis, USA
The International School of Macao, Macao
Design for Change, USA
Decoding Sustainability, Beijing
Kbuddah Training and Wellbeing, USA
Global Impact School Partners:
Seoul Foreign School, Seoul, South Korea
Beijing City International School, Beijing, China
Tsinghua International School, Beijing, China