Natalie Bennet

Modern life is moving us to materialistic lifestyles that promise happiness but doesn’t deliver. It’s fast consuming each of us and resulting in excessive waste. The Live With Less project is about acknowledging our responsibilities to our society and environment by becoming more conscious citizens by activating more sustainable habits in our daily consumption, what we use.

Motivated by Natalie’s belief that we each have a responsibility to the world we act in to make it good for all, Live With Less is underpinned by the possibility in using social capital to mold conscious sustainable and livable habits. It’s easy for us to say that we are powerless to make an impact and point the finger at the government or large organizations. Yet, look inside these bodies and they are made of the individuals, you and me, able to act and impact positively.

The backbone of Live With Less brings together communities and creates awareness by hosting swapping events. Through the interaction many topics arise and bring to light how our own habits and how these can shift to positively impact society, environment and ourselves. Breaking down the big problem into small achievable acts that we can each apply.

Live With Less is powered by Crossboundaries, an architecture and design studio based in Beijing.

SDG anchor for this Activist in Residence program