Inspire Citizens Coaching

Link your MAD DOCATHON experience to curriculum or to the learning goals of your school while experiencing the magic of the MAD Docathon.

Work with an Inspire Citizens Consultant for 4 Individual Coaching Sessions

You set the time and you help us to meet your professional learning goals while preparing your students for success in the MAD Docation.


What does the coaching look like?

Inspire Citizens coaches will help you to link best practice tools and resources for global citizenship education, service, sustainability, and DEI to your students’ docathon experience.

If you would like to use this experience to link to your unit, assess your content standards, meet and MYP Service as Action or CAS Requirement, or help to better live your school’s mission of service and global citizenship, then arrange your coaching sessions with Inspire Citizens today.

in 4 one-hour coaching sessions educators will;

  • set personal professional learning goals

  • unpack learning outcomes for their content area alongside the goals of the docathon

  • explore and embed best practice global citizenship tools and resources

  • transform curriculum, assessment, and the learner experience

  • level up your experience of the MAD Docathon.