Day 1: GISA Food (In)Security
International Civic Media Project


Partner Schools in the GISA Project


The Four Income Levels

9:05-9:15 Think, Puzzle, Explore
What do you think is going on in this image?
What questions or puzzles do you have?
What does this image make you more curious about or want to explore?


Global Population Box by Box

9:15-9:30 Think, Feel, Care

- What concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to from the video?
- How has the video sparked new ideas or changed your thinking about the world?
- What are you feeling? What does the video make you care more about?

- Who are you in relation to this? How are you connected?
- What values, beliefs, emotions, come into play for you?


The Global Mall Simulation


During the simulation:

How did you feel? Explain.
- What was your thinking and strategy in making your economic decisions? Describe.
- Do you believe this situation is fair and just?
Why or why not?


Following the simulation:

- How is life easier for some people and harder for others based on their economic background, who they are, and where they were born? Explain.

- How are we more aware that the world is much larger and more diverse than the community in which we live in at GISA?  “I used to think… but now I think…”

- How do poverty and wealth afford people different options and choices?

- When you were choosing what to buy, did you think about the environmental, economic, social, and wellbeing impacts? Why or why not?

- Regardless, how does economic status & personal choices have consequences on the sustainability of the environment & society? Reflect based on your experience in the simulation and in your own life.


- How might all of these elements & indicators inside the reading & Global Mall (water, health, education, access to energy, transportation & leisure) be connected to food security?


What is Sustainability?


- How might this
sustainability compass guide us towards more ethical solutions to problems like we experienced in The Global Mall?

Connecting the Dots:

- How might elements and indicators of the Sustainability Compass be connected to
food security?

- What might be my role in addressing issues of food security in the present & future?


Day 2: Food Security &
Sustainable Development


Guiding Questions:

  • Why are Sustainable Development Goals critical for the health of the environment, the economy, our society, and our collective wellbeing? What is my biggest concern and why?

  • What connection(s) do I see between a global goal / target and a local community need? Why is this important to solve?

  • What are Sustainable Development Goals and Targets that I would like to understand better and connect with Global Food Security?

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Asking Compelling Questions for Exploration, Investigation & Impact

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Food Security, Well-Being, & Justice


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