Transformative Learning: Future-Citizens

What cognitive skills, dispositions, fluencies, and literacies will I need to shape a better future?


Approaches to Learning

When specific ATL skills become an explicit focus for teaching and learning, students can begin to take responsibility for their own development. Over time, students can identify themselves and their competence in any learning strategy.

A concept-driven curriculum that uses ATL skills effectively enables all students to become stronger, more self-regulated learners.

Demonstrating ATL Skills
ATL Skills Progression


Five Kids from the Future

Children are our future, in every sense of the word. But what might that future be like, and how might it shape the lives of young people? Thanks to Covid and numerous other social, ecological, and technological shifts taking place right now, the future of childhood is evolving. 

So what happens when three leading female futurists come together to envision what the children of the future could be like or what world they might inhabit? The result is this article, that shares creative and thought-provoking profiles of five kids from the future.

Learner Profile

The International Baccalaureate learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success.

They imply a commitment to help all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.


Compassion and Wisdom

Just as wisdom covers the intellectual or comprehending side of our nature, compassion covers the emotional or feeling side of our nature. Like wisdom, compassion is a uniquely human quality. Compassion is made up of two words, 'co' meaning together and 'passion' meaning a strong feeling. And this is what compassion is…

McKinsey DELTAs

To future-proof citizens’ ability to work, they will require new skills—but which ones? A survey of 18,000 people in 15 countries suggests those that governments may wish to prioritize.


California Global Education Project

Combined with the Sustainable Development Goals, these global competence indicators guide the work of CGEP in supporting global education in PK-12 programs in California. The rationale and core philosophy described below provide the underpinnings for that work.