Sule Jacob Olaoluwa:
iRead to Live, Nigeria

iRead to Live Mission:

Promote and advocate for quality and equitable education for all, connecting rural areas to urban areas by organizing academic oriented events and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) awareness campaigns for students and teachers.

Support and supplement government efforts in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 and its targets for Quality Education in Nigeria.

Read Jacob’s most recent article: “Maximizing Impacts Through Learning” (November 2018)

Jacob and his team of volunteers visit and work with schools to support learning in the areas of SDG4, SDG5, and SDG16. Through the team leading a literacy NGO in Nigeria and Jacob’s background in policy and law, his possesses rich experiences in understanding the challenges of equal education, women’s issues, and governance in developing areas is invaluable for students engaged in service learning. His expertise in needs analysis, difficulties in government bureaucracy, proposal writing, and local advocacy bring incredible perspective to the hopes and action planning of young leaders and change makers.

Contact to discuss Jacob’s availability to visit schools or talk with students or educators.

SDG anchors for this Activist in Residence Program:

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