Using inclusive practices and needs-based teaching that embodies a Universal Design for Learning approach means that we can empower all teachers and all students to have a greater impact in their learning and their communities. For us, this is the why of teaching. 

Workshop Content Objectives

1. Apply strategies for identification of different needs
(three case studies / advocacy for your students)
2. Understand the UDL model and access strategy banks
3. Create a lesson plan using these UDL strategies for diverse student needs

Workshop Language Objectives

Speaking: Utilize collaborative speaking strategies in group work and present out your application of UDL in your classroom
Writing: Create a lesson planner that includes UDL strategies to utilize immediately after Spring Break
Reading: Apply non-fiction reading strategies to conquer the UDL framework and resource website
Listening: Follow instructions to navigate site and listen to other teachers in order to help gather other ideas and make learning accessible to all. 

Case Studies 

Student X



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Evan_ Luka Lesson Interview.png
Evan Tech Leader DJ Makoto.jpg
Evan_ Tech Leader for Salva Dut Interview.png

What is UDL?

Check for Understanding / Embedded Formative Assessment
Team mind map of UDL
Write the five sentence paragraph
Group voice memo / podcast

Identifying Student Needs

Curriculum Based Measurements (CBM)
Behavioral Assessment Techniques
Criterion Referenced (DRA, MAP)


Considering Learning Environments:
Redesigning Space and Co-teaching